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After an eventful Saturday, my alarm clock woke me up bright and early at 3:00 am on Sunday morning. I was now officially 30 years old, but honestly that was the last thing on my mind. I got into my pre-race clothes, lugged my bags and bike to my car, and was on my way by 3:30 am.
After hitting major construction delays getting out of San Francisco (at 4:00 am on a Sunday!), I made it to Berkeley at 4:45 am to pick up my amazing friend Andre. I let him finish waking up (his plane into the Bay Area had landed at 1:30 am) while I drove an hour to Napa, nervously babbling and listening to my short pre-race iPod playlist ("Turn It On" and "One Beat" by Sleater-Kinney, "Walking With A Ghost" by Tegan & Sara, and "Breathe" by Telepopmusik). In Napa we swapped, and he drove another hour on very twisty roads to Lake Berryessa.

The wetsuit went on pretty easily (no Pam, the secret to Real-Triathletes' fast transition times :), then I walked over to the dock. I set my sandals in an easy-to-find spot and went for a very short practice swim. I felt good, though the neck of my wetsuit felt a bit tight. I remembered that it had felt slightly tight in the pool as well, and disregarded it as simple discomfort. I got out of the water and waited for the pre-race briefing with the other athletes, almost feeling like one myself.
The buoys were a bit hard to understand at first, so I initially thought that the buoys farthest away were part of the previous day's Half-Iron Man race. During the briefing the race officials quickly corrected that mistake; we'd be going around all of them. Eep! 18 laps in a short pool is a lot less intimidating than seeing all that distance stretched out before you. The officials also said that, with over 700 participants, the swim start would be in 5 self-seeded waves starting 2 minutes apart. I decided to go in the 4th wave, feeling pretty good about my potential performance.
Swim (1/2 mile) 00:30:01.7 (-2 minutes)

Several very kind, very amazing participants stopped, made sure I was alright, and tried to help me calm down. One girl told me to swim on my back, which I did, and it helped. I also unhooked the collar of the wetsuit and unzipped it partially, but that didn't really help. I could see the first buoy far away, and a race monitor in a kayak right next to it. I told myself I just had to make it to that kayak and I could quit. I really didn't think I could continue. I couldn't make myself breathe properly, and I kept searching around desperately for another, shorter path to solid ground, but the kayak seemed like my best bet. So, thinking about what I would tell my friends when I quit, and desperate to be able to breathe again, and switching from my back to doggy paddle, I made my way to the kayak.
When the race monitor saw me he motioned me to go around the buoy but I shook my head and went to him instead. He asked me if I was okay and I sobbed "no!" I grabbed the side of the kayak and blubbered something about not being able to breathe, and pulled on the neck of my wetsuit, and generally felt very miserable. But the monitor just calmly told me that I was alright, to calm down, that I didn't really want to quit because I was "already halfway done." I said, "really?" Because I wasn't halfway done, I was a third of the way done. But he assured me that I was halfway there, and I looked at my watch and I had only been swimming for 11 minutes, and so I allowed myself to believe his lie. I looked at the rest of the swim course laid out before me, and I steeled myself, and I said "okay, okay, I'll finish" and I let go.

One last swimming confession. I don't like that this is true, but the fact that I was never the last swimmer, that there were always swimmers behind me and not catching up, really helped me. I guess that's just human psychology. The entire wave of people I had started with left me behind and the final wave caught up with me, but there were still a dozen or so people that finished behind me, and not being last helped.
One final shout-out to my fellow swimmers. Everyone in that spread out pod of stragglers was so encouraging. That first girl that helped me calm down in the beginning actually checked back in with me later in the swim, and everyone I bumped into accidentally when I was blindly backstroking was so nice and calm and almost amused about it. This was the group of people just "getting through" the swim, and their calm helped to calm me down.
Touching solid ground with my feet and walking out of that water filled me with such a profound sense of relief I can't even express it. I was drained, completely emotionally drained and empty. Luckily, every one of my cheerleading squad was there to cheer me on and fill me with their energy and enthusiasm.
T1 00:05:25.6

One of the auto-pilot things I did was check my watch: it clearly said 28 minutes and some seconds. I don't know why the official race results have me as 30 minutes and some seconds, but given that the swimming heats started 2 minutes apart I can only assume that I somehow ended up being counted with the third wave instead of the fourth. Maybe I stepped too close to the transition antenna when they the third wave people were entering the swim area. In any case, I know it was 28 minutes (and some odd seconds) for sure.

I finally got into all my biking gear, slathered on way too much sunscreen, and started to fast-walk my bike to the mounting point. I could have jogged it, but I didn't want to chance it in my biking shoes with my still weak and shaken body. So I walked, stepped over the timing antenna, mounted my bike, and pushed off to the cheers of my friends.
Bike (15 miles) 01:07:22.1

Panic adrenaline quickly turned into exercise endorphins, and I fell into an easy groove. Spin, spin, shift, pass, spin, watch what's coming next, commit what's happening now to memory so I'll have idea of how long the hills up and down will be on the return trip, sometimes cheer on the bikers coming the opposite way, spin, shift, eat, water, spin.

Really, the bike ride was a breeze. I played little games like trying to raise my average speed, and always pedalling the downhills. There was a girl in a blue shirt who's number I didn't look at that I was playing leapfrog with. I would pass her on the uphills and she'd pass me on the downhills. We exchanged a few words, joking about it, which was nice and reinforced that this was all just for fun.

I saw lots of people with flat tires, but the biggest problems I ran into were a dropped chain once when I shifted my front and rear gears simultaneously, and the fact that I hadn't removed the safety seal on my Gatorade.
Near the end of the ride my bike-rack-neighbor slowly but surely overtook me. It was the hills that did it; he was a machine! I never had to stop, and only twice had to leave the saddle to crack up a hill, but his legs never even slowed down. Slow but steady, at the very least, finishes the race.

My bike computer told me that I averaged 13.2 miles per hour, which I'm pretty happy with actually. I think if I had more practice with long outdoor rides and hills and pushing myself I could have upped that to 14 or 15 miles per hour. The uphills really killed my average speed, and I went to the lowest gear more than once. I felt really good about how I recovered on the flats and downhills, spinning at a nice smooth cadence. I came in from the bike portion with a huge smile.
T2 00:03:24.5

Lifting my bike back onto the rack took a massive effort, and that's when I realized that I really had put a lot of effort into that bike ride because my triceps were screaming as I lifted the bike. Bike shoes off, running shoes on, quick drink of water, GO!
It was at this point that I was so grateful for all the brick workouts I had done, because the bike-to-run transition for my legs was a real breeze. I'd say it wasn't more than ten strides or so until the brick effect was gone. Yay for training!
Run (4 miles) 00:44:15.5

I can't recall how fast that first mile was; maybe 10 or 11 minutes. I felt good about it at least. The second mile was harder, and felt much much longer. The hills didn't help. There were bikes still trickling in, so I tried to stay conscious of staying out of their way, and alerting returning runners that bikes were behind them. Also at this point a returning runner yelled out to me "Go number 12!" I didn't recognize her, but she must have been the biker I had been playing leapfrog with and who left me behind when my chain fell off. I smiled and waved, but didn't think to check her number until she passed me.

Somewhere in the third mile was when I realized that I had a good chance of finishing in under 2.5 hours if I just started running a little bit faster. So I chose a pair of runners about twenty feet ahead of me who had just passed me and decided not to let them get away. This worked pretty well, and kept my pace higher, though they did pull away very gradually.

Crossing the bridge for the last time was fun, because the race workers were so encouraging and friendly and fun. I was also feeling good because I knew I'd make my 2.5 hour goal. Just after the bridge I started to hear the bells that signal the turn into the parking area of the resort; the few hundred yards of the run, of the race.

Those last fifty yards were gruelling. I tried to go faster, to sprint, but my legs wouldn't do it. It was almost like inertia wouldn't let me slow down or speed up, and I finished the race at the same pace I had run the whole last mile. The last time I glanced at my watch it said 2:28:xx. And there was Andre waiting for me with his camera, waiting to capture the moment of victory.
Finish 02:30:29.5 (-2 minutes)

(Performance Note: My predicted finish, based on training paces, was 2 hours 23 minutes plus transition times. So I actually beat that prediction! I clearly swam slower (43 yards per minute for 900 yards was my fastest long training swim, sans panic attack), but I biked faster (13.2 mph vs. 10.7 mph). I ran slower (11 minute miles vs. 9:40 minute miles), but I still think that was mostly a mental limitation and not a physical one, and I felt pretty good about my running performance overall given my lack of race experience.)

Amazingly, this is when that race monitor from the kayak found me! He recognized me, and calmly congratulated me for finishing. I thanked him over and over, saying that I had been so ready to quit and he kept me going and thank you thank you thank you. He almost brushed it off, said no problem, and then related a story of his own of swimming in a very frigid lake and having a similar reaction. He said it happens all the time, you just have to work through it. Now they tell me...

My heart rate monitor also told me that I had burned 2238 calories during the race, so after a quick rinse and change of clothes, I settled in at the picnic lunch everyone had set up at a picnic table under a shady tree. I had a sandwich, wore the throwback-style birthday triathlon jersey t-shirt Adrian had sent me and I had just earned the right to wear, and relaxed. Talk about a birthday.
Awesome! Heh. The weird thing is that if you reverse how you felt on the swim, and on the run, that's more or less a perfect description about how I felt on my first tri. :D
I think I'd like to do one next year. Will require some pretty serious training for my knee, but yeah. Color me inspired. :D
You were really, really f'ing amazing. At every transistion, I was bursting with a mixture of pride/admiration/excitement (and during T1, worry) and the awesomeness of what you were doing threatened to overwhelm me.
The biggest thing I worried about was our presence causing pressure, and I'm glad that we seemed to have minimized that.
It was an incredibly motivating day. All the athletes were beaming at the end of the day, and it was incredibly fun to cheer on the people who came alone and see them perk up and get a little lift in their step. :)
Woo! It was such an awesome day! You are so awesome.
What an amazing way to spend your 30th birthday. I uh, got really really drunk on mine so uh...yeah.
You're my physical fitness hero!
You absolutely rock! It was great to have such a detailed read of your day.
Way to go. You are an inspiration.
wow hol, you're amazing!
i already knew that.. but the way you kept going through that swim is even more impressive!
go you!
Awesome pics! Congrats...you have successfully inspired me to train.
Great account of a great accomplishment. Congratulations Holly.
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