I was aiming for a 9 minute mile pace (28 minute finish time), but I reaped the rewards of having done almost no training for the last few months and finished in 30:24 minutes instead. That's a 9:48 minute mile pace on average, but the breakdown was 9:22/10:00/11:02(1.1 miles). I was so sad when my second mile was so much slower than my first, but I fulfilled my primary goal of never walking.
Okay, well, I walked. I walked a few steps, but I didn't walk walk, you know? Just a few steps, I swear, then right back to jogging. I purposefully slowed down several times so that I wouldn't have to stop and walk again, and I kept tabs on how my muscles and lungs and legs felt, so I knew I could keep going. The mental game is tough. Samo has told me that races hurt, and I kept that in mind as I struggled through the last mile. I need to get more used to that pain and discomfort. I also have to work on my lung and heart capacities. That means a running a much higher number of miles per week.
M ran the race too, and he did exactly what I thought he would. I called 25 minutes as his finish time, and he finished in 25:10. I said he'd run the first mile too fast, and he says he ran it so much too fast that he had to walk a whole block in the last mile and was unable to sprint the end of the race. We've vowed to run together more often, so that I can take as much advantage of his natural speed to speed me up as I can. Every Sunday we'll go for a run.
And Samo ran the race too. She finished in just over 20 minutes, and found me right after I finished. She and I were buzzing on the adrenaline, but M was just in pain. We stayed to watch the awards, and one of her teammates won the race outright, which was pretty exciting.
Update: M finished 21st out of 29 in his age group (367th overall), and I finished 32nd out of 61 in my age group (566th overall).
Update 2: Pictures!
Nice review of the Banana Chase race! I did the 10K at about the same pace as you. It was a silly race, yet a fun race!
Great report!
I ran (on the treadmill at the Y) my first 5K ever yesterday (Sunday). It took me 42 minutes and 29 seconds. I have a long way to go, but I'll get "there" wherever "there" is, since I haven't set a solid goal yet. :)
Yay for your run, Ei-Nyung! That's so funny that it happened to be the same day as my race. :)
I remember not being able to jog 3 miles continuously. Improvement is the goal, not a pace, that's what I say. :)
What happens if a bannana passes you? Do they throw a peel and you slip and fall? That would be a cool race I would pay to see. It would be like Mario Kart on foot!
I love the picture you posted here. I think you need a photoset for pics of you smiling as you are running! :D
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