Friday, November 10, 2006

Health Fair

We had a health fair here at work, and among other things I had a few measurements taken.

  • Flexibility was measured with a "sit and reach" test, and I got 20", which put me one category below "Excellent." The personal trainer doing the test said that runners have really tight hamstrings. Yeah, I guess. I use to be more flexible, but since I'm still fairly flexible I just stretch enough to maintain my current level.

  • Body fat was measured with a three point caliper test. I got 25%... yeah. Well. Here are some random thoughts for my own reference:

    Estimates of my body fat percentage based on my BMI don't accurately predict my body fat percentage (the equations put me between 28% and 30%). In other words, I have more lean mass than the average woman my age and my BMI.

    If I were to reach my goal weight of 138 lbs without losing any lean mass (currently 114 lbs), I'd have 17% body fat.

    Weight BF% Fat Lean
    152 25 38 114
    147 22 33 114
    142 20 28 114
    138 17 24 114

    Unknown said...

    19th percentile, w00t!

    eingy said...

    I'm still at a pathetic 28-29% body fat. Once I'm done w/ NaNoWriMo, back to the gym it is!