Thursday, August 09, 2007


Oh my lord. Looking back over some of my entries from the past 12 months, I've made no progress at all. I still have all the same goals and problems. Blah. Anyway, here is an update rewards list:

(note: June 2006 version and October 2005 version)

148 lbs (again)
Permission to splurge on buying luxurious yarn
145 lbs
fitness test at gym
143 lbs
Long weekend getaway (wine country?)
140 lbs
(need a goal)
138 lbs
New (folding?) bicycle of my dreams


Andre Alforque said...

So.... where are you now??

Unknown said...

Well, since this entry was written three months ago I lost 1.5 pounds, gained 2.5 pounds, then lost 2 pounds. So I'm 1 pound down in three months.

I'm a bit frusterated. My weight chart over the last two and a half years looks like a sine wave. I don't know why.

Andre Alforque said...

The overall trend is downward. :)

Are you going to veto Thanksgiving?

(re: sine wave -- how funny: I was playing with the graphing functionality of my TI-85 just yesterday looking at e^x and something about half-life)

Unknown said...

I wish the overall trend was downward. The overall trend (at the 2.5 year level) is flat. At least it's not up. :)

Thanksgiving won't be vetoed, since I'll be at my Mom's place. But it will be moderate, hopefully.