Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Escape

Someday, if I work hard and eat all my steak, I'll be able to do this.


Joseph said...

The rope climb is actually quite easy, it's all about the technique. Right leg crosses the rope on the body side, left leg does the same. Using the outside of the right foot, push rope to the inside of the left foot. Step down with the right foot on top of the left foot. Reach up with the arms. Slide your feet up the rope, repeat. Up you go....

Seppo said...

Yeah, but do that, and a 40ft. Spider walk all in under 30 seconds, beeyotch. THEN you can be a true Ninja Warrior.

Jeremy said...

Best part of the video is watching the big guy in the background struggle with the medicine ball while the petite girl in the foreground is laying waste to those weights. At about 44 secs in, the fat guy gives up on the medicine ball and practically collapses against the wall. I watched the vid once to see her workout, and again just to watch the fat guy. Good stuff.