Monday, March 27, 2006


I've definitely got my groove back. Something in my head finally clicked into place and I'm back on the full regimen: clean eating, logging food, no coffee, and working out almost every day. My weight was creeping upward and had stayed above my trigger weight (150) for a week and a half, and there are only 6 weeks until my race, so since I want to kick ass at my race and not lug around this belly for two hours during it I'm back to 100% clean eating.

I'm going to suffer through a week or so of hunger, which sucks, but that's what I get for letting my weight bob up to 154 (eep!). I'm still going to indulge in a beer here or there but very mindfully. I'm going to try to get more sleep (as always). I have three concerts this week but then no concerts until April 21st, April 28th, and May 2nd, so I'll have no excuse to not get sleep.

My goal: 148 (my stable weight) by May 7th. If I get there easily then my secondary goal is a personal lowest weight: 144.

I'll be working out a LOT and eating clean, so I'm not worried about losing muscle instead of fat. I'll reevaluate my goals or methods if I don't like what's happening (too little energy, etc.).

My triathlon class today was great! We ran intervals on the treadmill and my form is getting much better. I was able to run 8:34 minute miles for the first two 5 minute intervals, and 9:13 minute miles for the second two (1 minute rests between intervals). Then we jumped into the pool and did some technique drills then swam 100 yard intervals with 30 seconds of rests, and I swam three 1:57 100 yards and one 1:59, which is definitely a major improvement on my old speeds. Whoo Hoo! As I suspected, previous to having real swimming instruction I was just flailing around in the pool like a cat having a seizure. Now I at least know what to ask my body to do, even if it doesn't always do it.

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