Monday, March 13, 2006

Still sick, workouts, shoutouts, goals

I've had this cold for a week now and it's really beginning to cramp my style. It's just bad enough to be constantly noticeable, but not bad enough for me to take a few days off and just rest at home like I should. The cold also made me decide not to go for a run over the weekend (it was cold!), but I did do some light calisthenics just so I didn't feel like a complete slug.

Not being able to breath freely made today's triathlon training class less intense than I would have liked, but I still surprised myself. We ran intervals: 5 minutes at 75%-90% intensity, 1 minute walking, repeat. Run faster at each repeat. I started at a 10 min/mile pace, but by the last interval I was up to nearly an 8 min/mile and still feeling good. I was getting tired, but felt strong. The trainer, Tim, gave me some good tips on my running technique (raise my knees higher, take shorter strides) and as soon as I made those changes I wanted to run FASTER. It was amazing! In the end I was limited by my inability to breath full breaths. Then we jumped in the pool and worked some swimming technique drills.

Completely an unrelated note, I was googling my own name today and came across a stranger who found this blog and finds it inspiring! How great!

I'm playing with the idea of wanting to lose a few more pounds before my triathlon (55 days to go!). I've been hovering around 148 lbs for months now, but how great would it be to not have to lug some of this extra fat around for 19.5 miles? Maybe I'll postpone that decision until I'm not sick anymore.


eingy said...

I hope your lungs clear up soon! Has the doc given you anything in particular that could help?

On only a marginally triathlon-related note, your calves are AWESOME! Man, I want your calves. But I am also lazy. :D Seriously awesome.

Unknown said...

I haven't seen a doc about my cold yet. I keep thinking my body can fight it off. You know, without full nights of sleep or anything.

I loved Lindsi's comment about steroids wrt my calves. :)