Friday, April 07, 2006

Fast is still the new slow

Two months ago I discovered that my swimming pace had improved so much that even though I felt slow I was actually swimming faster than ever before. That's what almost happened to me today when I was running. I felt dog slow, my heart rate monitor was telling me to slow down, I felt like I couldn't breath well, yet I still ran a 10 minute mile pace for 3 miles. I could have kept running, too, but LUNCH beckoned. This gives me hope that I can run that fast at the end of my triathlon.

I was running with my co-worker again. She's great; she's taking the triathlon class with me and we've run on Fridays together three times now. She's fast and encouraging and pushes me a bit but doesn't make me feel like I'm holding her back. I think she's like me and many of us: just wants to share the experience with others. We actually came across another co-worker running in the opposite direction on the path so we turned around and ran with him for a while. Come to think of it, he slowed us down a bit so I must have been running better than a 10 minute mile before that. Nice.

Oh, AND (I'm almost done) I received my triathlon shorts from Sierra Trading Post about 10 minutes before I left for the gym, so I ran in them and they were really great. I'll bike with them this weekend, and try to swim with them next week, but I foresee no problems. They are so comfortable that I don't even think about them. Too bad I didn't have my triathlon jersey with me to try out as well.

I'm really doing a triathlon? What was I THINKING?

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