Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Escape

Someday, if I work hard and eat all my steak, I'll be able to do this.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Same Max

Friday was a CrossFit rest day, but I weight lifted anyway. Saturday was a CrossFit "figure out your max lift for squats, shoulder press, and dead lift" but I didn't have the gym available and didn't exercise at all that day. Sunday I bicycled a bit, to get from point A to B, and could have done the CrossFit WOD but didn't because I didn't get around to it.

Today Samo and I weight lifted, and I forgot to look at what the WOD was before heading to the gym. Along with our weightlifting routines, we also lifted bench press to find our maximums. We both maxed out at the same weights as before, which is kind of disappointing, though I didn't lift for most of February.

Today's CrossFit WOD I should go back to the gym and do, but I'm pretty sure I won't.

Thursday, March 15, 2007


I ran 3 miles today, and my knee felt much better. Finally. (.5 mi @ 6 mph, 1.75 mi @ 6.5 mph, remaining .75 mi decended from 6 mph to 5.5 mph)

Then I did today's CrossFit WOD: Deadlifts, 7 set of 3 reps. I lifted 1 set @ 65 lbs, 3 sets @ 75 lbs, and 3 sets @ 85 lbs. I started at a low weight and raised it slowly because I actually only recently added deadlifts to my regular routine and am still working on my form. I tend to let my knees come over my feet, which isn't good for my knees or my back. I actually do the same thing when I squat. Boo.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I'm back to my pre-vacation weight, plus some. Too many calories. Well intentioned mornings that turn into mini-kitchen raiding afternoons. Boo.

Today, after thinking about it off and on ever since I heard of it, I did the CrossFit Workout of the Day. Today was handstand push-ups and pull-ups which turned into modified push-ups and assisted pull-ups for little ol' me. I did those after my two mile treadmill run, where I babied my poor aching knee by stretching for half a minute or so between each half mile. Darn knee.

Tomorrow's WOD is deadlifts. Hooray for deadlifts! Those I can do.