Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Validated and Verified

Last week I weighed myself on the fancy gym scale, then weighed myself again at home an hour later. There was a one pound difference, definitely in the noise given the hour that passed. So, I trust my scale again.

Which is good, because I'm hovering between 146 lbs and 148 lbs pretty reliably right now, and it blows me away. I'm keeping my total calories down, but the quality of those calories could definitely be better. All this exercising really is making a big difference. Whoo hoo! That said, I'd love to change the composition of my body a bit, for vanity and for the triathlon. Those 146 lbs would do me more good if 5 lbs of the fat magically transformed into muscle. And I'd still love to someday see a two or four pack on my abs.

But I've learned a few things about myself over the years. One thing is that everything comes in stages, and right now I want to be able to have a doughnut at breakfast when they serve them. But another thing I've learned is that I have to watch how much permission I give myself. I'm still tracking all my food, my weight, and my exercise. This has already told me why I still have a belly: too much refined sugar, not enough weightlifting.

So the doughnut sits next to me, saved to be a mid-morning snack with my second cup of coffee instead of the end of breakfast. I can have it, but later, and only because I have an hour and a half of bootcamp tonight.

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