Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Faster and Further

Tonight's Swim: 1025 yards, 26.5 minutes, 38.7 yards per minute, nonstop.


eingy said...

Whoa! Awesome! How did you feel afterwards?

Unknown said...

I felt fantastic. It was a tremendously good workout, one of those workouts you wait and hope for. Swimmer's high, if you will.

I felt like I paced myself well, speeding up and slowing down as appropriate. My goal for the workout was 20 laps, based on my previous fastest pace, and checked the time every 5 laps. I swam faster in the beginning than the end; hitting 10 laps with 45 seconds to spare, but used 20 of those seconds in the second 10 laps. But when I hit 20 laps I still had 25 seconds left, so I swam another half lap. :) I felt like I could swim forever.