Monday, February 13, 2006

Lara Bar

I'm not going to think too hard about the interaction of my terrible eating on Saturday, writing about it on Sunday, and this morning's joy as I tried a Lara Bar for the first time. Because if I were more Cali than I already am I'd start saying things like "the world gives you what you need" and nobody wants that.

Sunday I bought and this morning I tried for the first time a Lara Bar. Without waxing too lyrical about it, it's my new favorite food: an energy bar that isn't full of chemicals, supplements, and nasty texture. A real whole food that simultaneously gives me a nice nutritional breakdown (210 cal/10g "good" fat/5g fiber/6g protein/no sodium). Three ingredients in the flavor I tried: Almonds, Dates, Unsweetened Bananas.

I had half of the bar on the way into work to get some sugar into my blood for my morning workout. This bar made me feel ALIVE and good and all those things you want your food to make you feel. From their website:
Our company name comes from an ancient belief that food falls into two categories:
Beckoning Foods, which beckon consumption again and again, sapping the body of energy without any real health benefits, Today they're called "junk foods."
Humm Foods, on the other hand, resonate with energy in a whole natural state. When consumed, they cause you to feel vibrant and alive.

Now, Saturday I wasn't eating full-on junk food, but it was halfway there. Trader Joe's dark chocolate covered pretzels: not chips ahoy, but not wheat toast either. Chinese pastries: not birthday cake, but not wheaties either.

So, it feels good to be back to real, good, happy-body food.

Even if this morning's workout was weak, slow, water-choky because my brain wouldn't focus, and did I mention slow? No matter, I did it.


Andre Alforque said...

Lara Bar -- the only energy bar endorsed by Lara Croft.

Hey, what's wrong with my lil' baggie of mini Chips Ahoy!? I burn the calories on my walk to the El. :P

I'll definitely check it out. Those Power Bars are just unacceptable in the taste corner.

dvfyf - a fifth of a dove.

eingy said...

Thanks for the tip! I will keep my eye out for this. I hate most energy bars because they are either too sweet or too... bendy.

mqwke - a duck from Milwaukee.