Wednesday, February 01, 2006


1. The weekend bloat is almost gone. See? (weight graph at the bottom of the page) Up and down, like a rollercoaster. Wheee! I've done a small amount of stress eating this week, but it's been relatively manageable.

2. I noticed that I have been eating too much fat and not enough protein, so I decided to focus on the protein intake a bit. I re-evaluated my macronutrient targets and tweaked them a bit, to account for the massive amount of cardio I've been doing and will continue to do until the triathlon training is done. Details: 66-76 grams per day = 1.4-1.6 grams per kg body weight, scaled down to restrict my calorie intake. So, 1707-2051 cal/day instead of 2207-2651 I estimate I'm burning up these days, on average. I am wondering if restricting my calorie intake (in order to lose weight) is a good thing to do while training so intensely.

3. Today I decided to replace my long swim workout with a second long biking workout, so this morning for 67 minutes (not counting the 10 minute warmup and 15 minute cooldown) I rode on one of those spinning style stationary cycles they keep lined up against the side wall when they aren't being used for a class. Very long, boring ride. Even the podcast novel I was listening to didn't liven it up much. I need to do more outdoor riding. Oh, and my legs felt like they were made out of lead when I got off that bike. My god, T2 is going to be tough. Now I understand the term "bricks."

4. Here's a quote from a blog I've been reading lately:
I have finally learned to love and respect my body. I take excellent care of it: I exercise regularly, I don't smoke, I stay out of the sun. I eat enough antioxidants to resurrect whatever the hell may be left of Jesus and King Tut. And it pays off: at 52, I have the blood pressure and lipid profile of a healthy ten year old; the bone density and lean muscle mass of an athletic 20 year old. But I still have the body embarrassment of an awkward unpopular seventh grader. Looks like it may take a few more decades to outgrow that garbage.


Unknown said...

"What's the matter, don't you wanna be my friend?"

tandsy - Radioshack computers marketed specifically to women in the mid-80s.

Unknown said...

What is this random made-up word stuff I see you and A_B doing now?

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

A_B noticed that the "Word Verification" messages were starting to look more like real words lately. So we're coming up with definitions for them. I've seen Eingy, and I think Kero, doing it too.

grado - Audiophile quality headphone manufacturer.

Ok that one was a real word. I smell a lawsuit!