Sunday, February 26, 2006

First real bicycle workout

The route:
To and from ocean, via Golden Gate Park.

The Music:
Tegan and Sara - So Jealous
Le Tigre - This Island

Heart Rate Monitor:
988 calories
144 bpm avg heart rate
167 bpm max heart rate

Bike Computer:
12.321 miles
10.7 mph avg speed
21 mph max speed

The bike computer only counts time that you are moving, so the extra 18 minutes were stop lights, stop signs, and water/map breaks. It goes without saying that I was hoping for a higher average speed. I think that speed is pretty fair, traffic and all, because I was butt-slow on the uphills in the park. There were even a few I had to walk up. Need to work on that lactic acid buffering. :/

I was paranoid about the weather forecast (rain, low 60's) so I had too many layers when the riding warmed me up. Taking off my arm warmers and helmet liner when I got to the ocean felt really good, and removing my gloves a few miles later felt like heaven. I left my rain pants and rain jacket on, though; partially because I didn't have anywhere to put them. Rain was limited to very light sprinkling.

There were lots of riders and joggers and dogs with humans out; that was cool. Traffic was pretty benign, though there were a few jerks.

I got home and shed my clothes: my t-shirt was SOAKED. I probably could have wrung sweat out of it. I was wearing a wicking shirt under that, so my skin had been nice and dry. Sweet.

Any minute now my appetite will come back and I'll have to eat a huge meal. That better happen soon, because this afternoon I'm going to a yoga class with a friend.

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